More Fur Less offers both fully custom fursuits (see below!) and Artistic Liberty fursuits. Use the Artistic Liberty Quote Request form if you’re interested in a truly one-of-a-kind character designed entirely by More Fur Less.
Ready to order a custom fursuit? Just fill out the form to request a quote! We'll get back to you as soon as possible to let you know whether we have a place in the queue for your order.
Due to high request volume, replies may take up to three business days, and it may not be possible to reply to all requests personally. If you do not receive a quote at this time, MFL will keep your submission on file and may follow up in the future. You’re also welcome to submit a quote request again in a few months if your character design, options, or budget has changed!
Submission of a quote request does not guarantee product availability.
Quotes are a non-binding price estimate based on requested options and other submitted specifications.
Receipt of a quote does not constitute or imply an agreement, nor does it hold or guarantee a slot in MFL's commission queue.